The Serbian Movement Dveri:
- Post by: Nemanja Zaric
- January 5, 2017
A Family-Centered Political Organization The history of the Serbian movement Dveri begins with the first issue of the Journal for National Culture, which was published on January 27, 1999, as a publication of students at Belgrade University in Serbia. Those were very turbulent times in Serbian history. On one side, there was a socialist government made up of members of the old communist regime. From the other side, a rising opposition looked to the liberal West for support. The Serbian people found themselves between a hammer and an anvil, between two faces of the same anti-Christian ideology, and it was actually difficult to tell which one would be more efficient in destroying what was left of Serbia after the breakup of Yugoslavia. A number of Serbian students were unwilling to accept this new reality. We understood then, very clearly, that the only true path for Serbia in years to come must begin with a return to our Christian values. In addition to publishing over 50 issues of the journal thus far, Dveri has organized hundreds of lectures at Belgrade University, covering virtually all topics regarding the importance of faith, family, freedom, and patriotism. Four years later, in 2003, we registered as an NGO, the first Serbian patriotic NGO at that time. Our representatives travelled to over 60 destinations around the globe visiting our people, many of whom had fled the communist regime. We brought them news that the Serbian youth had awakened, and that we were finally starting to turn to ourselves, to our Christian heritage and traditions. In 2004, we adopted the symbol of a mother with a baby—resembling the Holy Mother of God with the Christ Child—as our logo, sending out a strong message about our values. After 10 years of hard work, Dveri received recognition from His Holiness the Patriarch of the Serbian Orthodox Church, Pavle. In 2010, Dveri organized the first march for family, attended by thousands; this soon became one of our organi