Nothing to Celebrate
Tuesday, November 7, 2017The Topic: Nothing to CelebrateThe News Story: UK Travel Firm Launches “Divorce Parties”The New Research: Women Alone—And Depressed The News Story: UK Travel Firm Launches “Divorce Parties” Following a U.S. trend, an upscale U.K.-based travel firm has launched “getaway weekends” for women going through a divorce. Orchid City and Spas, which has specialized in upscale spa getaways and “hen weekends” for about six years, says that their new packages have “helped scores of newly-divorced women ‘relish their new lease of life’ by getting away for a few nights away with family and friends for some indulgent pampering.” And now that divorce is so widely accepted, the firm expects big bucks from their new venture. “With studies suggesting that around 42 per cent of marriages now end in divorce,” announced the firm’s managing director, “we expect our divorce parties to grow in popularity. . . . They're an ideal opportunity for newly-single women to reconnect with their friends, consider their options and have some fun in the process.” But research reveals that the newly “liberated” clients seeking such celebrations may have more hardship in store than they realized. (Sources: Martha Alexander, “UK travel firm launches holiday party packages for divorced women to help them ‘relish their new lease of life,’” Daily Mail, November 7, 2017.) The New Research: Women Alone—And Depressed Mental-health experts have known for decades that women are more vulnerable to depression than men. But a newly published study suggests that women’s vulnerability to this mental malady depends a great deal on marital status. Affiliated with the University of Chicago and the University of Illinois at Chicago, the researchers embark on this new study aware that “women are twice as likely as men to experience depression and generalized anxiety disorder.” Behind this gender disparity,