La Manif Pour Tous:

An Interview with Ludovine de La Rochère Ludovine de La Rochère is President of La Manif Pour Tous, the French organization which has spearheaded some of the most remarkable and well-attended protests against same-sex “marriage” in the world. Here, she discusses her organization’s history, motivations, and great success. Tell us a bit about the background and history of La Manif Pour Tous. How and when did the movement begin? What are your primary goals? We founded the movement in October 2012 when the homosexual “marriage” and adoption bill was to be presented before the French Parliament. Since the very beginning, we have also struggled against “queer theory” and all its consequences, which include not only gay “marriage,” but a new conception of humanity and society. We were ordinary citizens considering that we had to do everything we could to avoid such an absurd law. What are the political and religious affiliations of your constituents? La Manif Pour Tous is neither a political nor a religious organization. The movement refuses to align itself with a specific political party: actually, the fact that marriage means a man and a woman is a question of reality. The couple builds the family, and the family is based on the couple. Because the point of marriage is to create a family and its purpose is to protect each member of the family, adults and children, marriage is not an issue of the right or left. It is not a conservative, socialist, or liberal issue. And any person, from any political or philosophical background, may join La Manif Pour Tous. As a transpartisan movement, it aims to gather a majority of French people within the political spectrum so as to efficiently promote marriage and the “father-mother-child” relationship. Its neutrality regarding religion also means that any person, what­ever his religious belief, may side with La Manif Pour Tous. It is indeed our contention that promoting and defending marri
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