Homemakers Making a Comeback?

Tuesday, March 6, 2018The Topic: Homemakers Making a Comeback?The News Story: 8 Million Mothers from 150 Countries Sign DeclarationThe New Research: Homemaking Mother, Mentally Happy Children The News Story: 8 Million Mothers from 150 Countries Sign Declaration As the world gears up for “International Women’s Day”—March 8—another, much lesser known group, is preparing its own visit to Washington, D.C. The group, “HomeMakers for America,” has partnered with similar organizations around the world to gain a whopping 8 million signatures on its “Worldwide Declaration of Mothers.” “It is clear that despite what the media and radical feminists would have us believe, the pink-hatted protestors do not speak for the majority of women in America—or the world,” the organization said in a press release, which Breitbart reported on. Kimberly Fletcher, president of the organization, told Breitbart why the organization feels so strongly that this is their moment: “From school shootings to transgender bathrooms, feminists are on the wrong side of every issue when it comes to protecting our children and maintaining a free society. . . . Despite what feminists would have us believe, what mothers want most isn’t the right to kill their own offspring, but the opportunity to be with them.” It turns out that research is on these women’s side. (Source: Penny Starr, “8 Million Mothers from 150 Countries Sign Declaration: ‘The Era of Radical Feminism is Over,’” Breitbart, March 2, 2018.) The New Research: Homemaking Mothers, Mentally Healthy Children In a social world remade along feminist lines, those mothers who still claim the title homemaker might feel like an anachronism. They might even ask themselves, “While other women are out making money and advancing their careers, what good am I doing?” A reassuring answer to that question emerges in a study recently completed in Spain, where researchers have establi
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